Afternoon Session
12:35 pm Eddie Soloway
“Eyes Wide Open: The Joy of Nature Photography”
Eddie Soloway is a celebrated photographer, teacher, and storyteller committed to opening our eyes to the natural world. He has taught photography and creativity for leading photographic institutions and schools around the world. Eddie has been named one of America’s best photography workshop leaders by Photo District News, and was awarded the Excellence in Photographic Teaching Award by the Santa Fe Center for Photography. In this presentation he will inspire us to slow down and learn how to see more deeply as he shows us, in his words, how to make a photograph that expresses more than the scene in front of you.
1:25 pm Yoni Mayeri
“Take Your Images to the Next Level on Your Mobile Device with the Snapseed App”
Yoni Mayeri is a member of the Orinda GC, Zone XII, and a Prospective GCA Photography Judge. An experienced photographer and early adopter of the iPhone and technology, her mobile photography focuses on landscape, atmosphere, botanicals, and experimental imagery. Her iPhone images have been exhibited in numerous galleries and at the DeYoung museum, and have appeared in several publications. She is a popular and prolific speaker on iPhoneography, and her workshops at UC Berkeley, Stanford University, Stanford Research Park, and Rancho La Puerta regularly sell out. She has presented to many GCA Clubs and was the featured speaker in 2020 at the GCA’s Photography Study Group in New Orleans. We recommend that attendees download Snapseed before her presentation.
2:00 pm Ryn Clarke
“Gardens of Paradise: A Brief Look at Photo Compositing”
Ryn Clarke is a member of the Shaker Lakes GC, Zone X, and an Approved GCA Photography Judge. Ryn is a visual artist and photographer who explores the photographic image-making process by using a variety of techniques, including hand-coloring, photopolymer gravure, handmade papers, and printmaking. Her work has been exhibited nationally, and she travels the country teaching iPhone workshops to various organizations. Forced to slow down and stay home during Ohio’s COVID-19 stay-at-home order, Ryn reconnected with photo compositing, a digital technique she had learned but had not fully explored. Incorporating her love of gardening and nature, imaginary ecosystems were soon born, brimming with color, cheer and tranquility. In this presentation, Ryn will explain her motivation for the work as well as the artistry behind it.
2:30 pm A Toast to the GCA’s Photography “Founding Mothers”
Photography is a relatively new discipline within The Garden Club of America, and were it not for the passion, determination, creativity and sometimes sheer stubbornness of a group of dedicated individuals, it would likely not have been brought into the fold. In this segment we will hear from some of them about how and why photography got its start in the GCA, and we will toast them and their success with Ansel Adams’ favorite drink, a very dry vodka martini, or your beverage of choice.