Floral Design
Meet in Babcock Room at Sunset Center from 9:30am-12:00pm. Zone XII Floral Design Rep Sue Ashmun will lead our floral workshop to make centerpieces for the Zone XII Presidents Council (January 26-28) in Carmel.
Meet in Babcock Room at Sunset Center from 9:30am-12:00pm. Zone XII Floral Design Rep Sue Ashmun will lead our floral workshop to make centerpieces for the Zone XII Presidents Council (January 26-28) in Carmel.
Hosted by The Garden Club of Santa Barbara.
Meet at Harrison Memorial Library.
Presentation by Jake Smith, the Communications Director at MPRPD, will be about the conservation efforts, especially the floodplain restoration project. 9:45am coffee, 10:15am lecture, Babcock Room at Sunset Center.
Meet at Harrison Memorial Library.
All Board Meetings from 10:00am-12:00pm at HML Gathering Place from 10/10/2024 through 5/8/2025.
Gathering Place conference room at Harrison Memorial Library