Please let Diana Fish, [email protected], know that you are coming. If possible bring a bucket like container for weeds, and gloves.
The Gathering Place meeting room at the Harrison Memorial Library
10:30 am: tour and lunch at Earthbound Farms. $30 payable to Chris Johnson (will collect at general meeting 9/22)
Visiting gardens is inviting members to visit Valera Lyles garden in the Carmel Highlands. Valera is hosting a garden tour with cocktails and nibbles at 5:00 pm.
propagation at Barbara Davidge’s house. Hoping to propagate for Mother /Daughter class in flower show.
Alarmed by fish carcasses washing ashore from San Mateo to San Francisco to Oakland? Or by warnings to avoid activities on the Bay? Join Dr. James Cloern, senior scientist emeritus at the U.S. Geological Survey (and engaging speaker!) “Red tide” is caused by a mix of environmental conditions and treated sewage put out by wastewater […]