General Meeting

Guest speaker Marlene Simon. Garden Myths: Myth or Rooted in Science? Marlene is a passionate horticulturalist and media personality from UC Davis. 9:30am social, 10:00am business, 11:00am lecture. *Meeting Location: […]

P4P Workday

Meet at North Dunes - San Antonio & Ocean.

Garden History & Design

Garden History & Design Committee Meeting from 10:00 - 12:00pm. Gathering Place, Harrison Memorial Library

Floral Design

Meet in Babcock Room at Sunset Center from 9:30am-12:00pm. Zone XII Floral Design Rep Sue Ashmun will lead our floral workshop to make centerpieces for the Zone XII Presidents Council […]

Civic Projects

Meet at Harrison Memorial Library.


Presentation by Jake Smith, the Communications Director at MPRPD, will be about the conservation efforts, especially the floodplain restoration project. 9:45am coffee, 10:15am lecture, Babcock Room at Sunset Center.